The Benefits of Music for Dementia

Benefits of Music for Dementia

Music is not only for fun and entertainment. It’s not just an art; it’s also food and medicine for the mind and body. It’s known to lift the spirits of those who are depressed and those who have lost hope. There are several benefits of music for dementia that we share in our blog. Music…

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Four Enjoyable Activities to Enhance Quality of Life for Seniors

Activities to Enhance Quality of Life

Caregogi knows that staying and feeling as healthy as possible is essential, no matter the age. As we grow older, numerous significant mental and physical changes arise, and it is crucial to address and mature from these difficulties to remain healthy. You can do many things to maintain your physical and emotional health to the…

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5 Heart Health Tips for 2021

Heart Health Tips

As most people know, the way you live your life makes a big difference in your health. This is especially true of your cardiovascular system. According to recent research, nearly 50 percent of all premature deaths are caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices that increase the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.…

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Managing Stress and Anxiety

These past few months have been stressful for everyone. There are several different actions that seniors can take to reduce anxiety and improve their well-being. Because of everything going on in the world, it can be easy to feel alone isolated. Especially during these times, many people feel that life will never go back to…

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