Contact Lens Case Guide and Storage Mistakes You Must Never Make

Contacts can give you the freedom to move quickly without thinking that your glasses might fall off. It is the reason why some sportspeople who are having vision problems prefer contacts over eyeglasses. Just like sports, contacts are the star players in a game. They take the most important role, and the fans love them! Contact lens cases take the role of the waterboy. They may seem insignificant, but they play an important role in keeping your star players hydrated and conditioned. Contact lens cases hold your contacts whenever they are not in use. They must remain clean at all times, but are you doing it properly? To view more, below are some tips on how to handle contact lens cases in our contact lens case guide.

Clean and rinse your contact lens case after every use.

Contact lens cases are like a petri dish; bacteria and microorganisms can grow there if not cleaned properly. If you happen to see a formation of gooey lint on the lid of your contact lens case, that is not good. Even if it seems to look harmless, it is important to have the case cleaned as soon as possible.

So far, there is no official recommendation as to how often should you clean your contact lens case. But as instructed on the back of every contact lens solution formula, the best way is after every use. It means you should dispose of the old solution on your case and rinse it off with a fresh one. Afterward, wipe with a clean tissue and let it air-dry with the lid off.

Use solutions when rinsing and cleaning your contact lens case instead of tap water.

It is instinctive for many to use water whenever you are rinsing or cleaning something. Well, that’s not the case for contact lens cases. According to studies, washing your case with tap water increase your chances of developing a severe corneal infection that can lead to blindness. A microbe called Acanthamoeba keratitis causes the infection. It goes from tap water to your case, attaching itself to your contacts. The symptoms include pain, redness, blurry vision, light sensitivity, and excessive tearing.

Take extra caution and make sure to stay away from tap water, and use solutions when rinsing your contact lens case.

Use fresh solution every time you clean and rinse off your contact lens case.

If you filled your contact lens case with contact lens solution, it becomes warm and moist; thus, it becomes a haven for microbes. Whenever we take the contacts off the case, a portion of the liquid solution from the case somehow gets spilled. What do you do when that happens? Many would usually top up the old solution in the case. That is not the proper practice because you are promoting the growth of microbes in it. To prevent this from happening, drain your old solution, then clean & rinse it off using a fresh squirt, then fill your case with a batch of new solutions before storing your contacts.

Replace your contact lens case every three months.

Even though your contact lens case still looks good and somehow clean, biofilms can still thrive on it. Biofilms are a group of microorganisms growing on surfaces, where bacteria can “take cover” from the disinfectant in your solutions. It is invisible to the naked eye, so the best way to prevent such formations is to replace your cases every three months.

Keep your contact lens cases in a clean and low-humidity environment.

Some people think that putting your case near the bathroom sink is advantageous. You are exposing it to an environment where microbes thrive because of the moisture and presence of other sources such as the toilet. It is best to store them in places where it’s less humid and clean.

Remember to wash your hands first before touching the contact lens case.

Unwashed hands are usually laden with microbes. Once it gets in contact with anything, you somehow deposit pathogens that may cause irritation or infection, especially to the eyes. You could get conjunctivitis or pink eye. It could also cause redness, itchiness, discharges, an unusual rough feeling, or tearing to your eyes.

Contact lenses go in direct contact with the eye, hence the name “contacts.” Anything associated with your contacts must be kept clean at all times. Washing your hands with soap and water is a must before touching your contact lens case. 

Contact lenses are a great alternative to wearing eyeglasses since it allows people to do sports and other activities. As prescribed by most doctors, a person shouldn’t be wearing his or her contacts for more than 12 hours straight. It is mainly for the comfort of one’s eyes and eye health. Once removed, one would usually put their contacts in the contact lens case.

If you have any questions about our contact lens case guide, contact us today at Caregogi. We are happy to help!