Background Check-Landing page(PostHospitalCare)
FREE Post Hospital Care Certification
We are offering a $100 value for FREE when you complete a criminal background check with Caregogi. Learn the unique needs of individuals with chronic or post-acute conditions to help prevent re-hospitalizations free of charge.
Plus, having a background check on our site makes you 5X more likely to be hired by families seeking care.
Offer expires in:
Empower your care career. Be an Elite Caregiver.
Are you tired of working for an agency?
Do you wish you could control your own schedule?
Do you want to make more money?
With Caregogi, you can.
Being an elite Caregogi care provider means that you are able to control your schedule, your client base, and your pay rate. No more running around for an agency who doesn’t understand your schedule.
Mary Jo Dietrich, RN
Mary Jo is the founder of Caregogi and advocate for care providers world wide. She has owned and operated a home care agency, for 12 years. Through her agency she has helped hundreds of care providers earn more money and take control of their careers. She is a proponent for women who provide care everywhere
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